

General contracting is an important construction business, so contractors must have a certain level of qualification. According to the尠Regulations on Classification and Management of Construction Engineering Construction and Business Qualifications of the People's Republic of China (GB50408-2005), engineering project general contracting is above three qualifications, can participate in the bidding and construction of comprehensive engineering projects.


  • 1、资质证书和有效期:拥有有效的三级资质证书,并在有效期内;
  • 2、投标保证金:符合投标文件的要求,如投标保证金大小;
  • 3、承担风险:能够承担相关风险,并拥有有效的责任保险;
  • 4、具备专业技术条件:项目申报者安排有能够胜任工程施工的专业技术人员,并能提供技术条件证明;
  • 5、技术标准合格证明:技术标准合格证明文件由国家工程质量检测中心(或省级相应部门)颁发;
  • 6、质量保证措施:有质量保证措施,能够满足施工安全质量的要求;
  • 7、投标文件完整性:投标文件真实完整,不存在虚假和伪造等情况。

The standards for three-level qualification filing of engineering project general contracting usually include the following:

  • 1. Qualification certificate and validity period: Possess valid three-level qualification certificate and within the validity period ;
  • 2. Bid bond: in accordance with the requirements of the tender documents such as the size of the bid bond ;
  • 3. Risk bearing: be able to bear related risks and have valid liability insurance ;
  • 4. Professional technical conditions: the project applicant arranges professionals and technicians who can competently undertake the construction of the engineering and can provide technical condition certificates ;
  • 5. Technical standards certificate: The certificate of technical standards qualification issued by the State Engineering Quality Testing Center (or corresponding departments at provincial level) ;
  • 6. Quality assurance measures: quality assurance measures to meet the requirements of construction safety and quality ;
  • 7. Tender document integrity: tender documents are true and complete, without false and Forgery etc.


Above is an introduction to the standards for three-level qualification filing of engineering project general contracting. According to the above content, in order to participate in engineering project general contracting, the applicant should meet the above conditions to ensure that the qualification is qualified, the tender documents are true and complete, the technical standards are qualified, and the quality assurance is effective.


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