
China has established the National Qualification Certification System for Contractors of Construction Projects职(CQC)in order to regulate the qualification and capability of construction contractors. The CQC system is divided into four levels, A, B, C and D, with A being the highest level and D the lowest.

In compliance with CQC regulations, contractors and designer-builders in China must acquire a level A certification in order to be eligible to bid on certain construction projects. Level A certification is awarded to applicants who possess expertise in a designated specialty, such as building design engineering, have wide experience in actual construction, and have a superb record of engineering achievements and excellent technology.

Applying for the engineer design and contracting qualification requires a comprehensive set of qualifications and technical specifications. Applicants must have a college degree or higher in relevant major, and they must pass the CQC exam. Additionally, they must have at least three years of experience in related fields, including engineering designs and construction supervision, or at least five years of similar engineering experiences.

The application process consists of five steps. First, registration should be made in the municipal development zone of the applicant's jurisdiction. Second, the applicant should submit a complete application package to the local department of construction. Third, the applicant should submit a full set of documents to demonstrate their qualifications, such as certificates, photographs, and so on. Fourth, the applicant should make necessary payments to the local department of construction. Last, after the necessary procedures are completed, the applicant will take the CQC examination.

Passing the CQC exams requires a comprehensive understanding of engineering design and contracting regulations, as well as closely related technologies and theories. Successful applicants will be awarded the level A Certificate of Professional Qualification in Design and Contracting of Building Engineering.

Qualification certification is a requirement for the New Construction Engineering Designers, Engineering Contractors and Engineering Contractors & Designers. Holding the certificate allows engineers to not only tender independently but also apply for limits of construction engineering projects. Therefore, obtaining an A grade certificate is of great significance to contemporary professionals and is an essential precondition for entering the engineering design and contracting markets.


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